Cumberland Co. Church (1869-89?)
Christian Family Companion August 22, 1865 page 264 Vol. I No. 33 A Lovefeast with the brethren in Cumberland County, Ill, on the first Sunday in October, two miles North of Hazledell, and six miles South West of Casey. Casey is on the National Road from Terre Haut. We would be glad if some speakers could be with us, as the harvest is great and the laborers few. David Rothrock
Christian Family Companion Feb. 27, 1866 page 69 Vol. II No. 8&9 Brother David Rothrock, Hazle Dell, Cumberland Co., Ill., says: - “As we are here in the far West, and as there are only a few members in our county, we would be glad if some speaker would come to our section. There is one minister living forty miles from here, so we can have meetings only every sixteen weeks. We have a good country and there are good prospects of a Railroad running through here.
Christian Family Companion Jan. 21, 1868 page 22 Vol. IV No. 3 Brother Holsinger: - Pease publish a few lines for me, to induce a minister to come to our part of the country, our main speakers live about forty-five miles from here; we would like to have one with us, to organize a church, and have meeting more frequently. We have a good country. A railroad is now in progress, which, when completed will add much to the improvement of the country. David Rothrock. Hazle Dell, Ill
Christian Family Companion May 12, 1868 page 151 Vol. IV No. 19 Brother Holsinger: - We intend if the Lord is willing, to have a Communion Meeting in Crooked Creek Church, Cumberland Co., Ill. On the 13th and 14th of June next. – We extend a hearty invitation to all those who would wish to be with us at that time, especially laboring brethren. Those coming from the East can take the hack from Terre Haute to Casy. We live Six miles South west of Casy. David Rothrock
Christian Family Companion Sept. 8, 1868 page 354Vol. IV No. 35 Brother Holsinger: Having received the ever welcome Companion this evening, & noticing several requests therein which I an hardly able to answer, I will communicate a few lines. The first is the address of brother Gabrial Neff, which if it has not been changes since I lived in the same congregation, is Shanesville, Ohio, [Brother J. S. Snyder gave the same last week.- Ed.} 2nd. Sarah J. Miller, Milford, Ind., wishes to know whether any brethren are living near Charleston, Ill. I feel confident that there ate none very nigh to Charleston, having been acquainted with an old brother by the name of Mider, who lived near Charleston two or three years ago, (but has since died) who was the only one at his time, living in that vicinity. But there are 7 or 8 members living 20 or 25 miles South of Charleston; and thee 3o miles south East. We have organized a church at the first named place. Any one wishing to more there will inquire for brother David Rothrack, Hazeldell, Cumberland Co., Ill. We have preaching there regularly one in four weeks, and would be glad to see members, emigrating to that place. It is a good country, at least we think so. Come brethren and sisters, we will welcome you with the brotherly and sisterly affection. 3rd. “Whey do the Brethren close their eyes whey they pray.” We answer, because we desire no intercourse with the world, while we hold sweet communion with our Heavenly Father. And not to give the world, nor the enemy of our souls any chance to interrupt or mislead us. for when we converse with God we wish no intruders. Daniel Trump, Melrose, Ill. |