Concord Church (1881-1908)
Brethren At Work March 22, 1881 page 172 Vol. 6 No. 11 From Daniel Vaniman – While waiting here for the train I will write and tell you, on Saturday, March 12, I met Eld. John Metzger, of Cerro Gordo, Illinois, and the little band of scattered members in Brown and Adams counties, at Concord, in council. By unanimous consent of all present, they were organized into a separate church, and upon holding an election for minister, the lot fee upon J. F. Nehr, (a deacon formerly from Salem, Ill.) who was accordingly installed into office. The church was named Concord church. It has now two ministers, on deacon, and in all about thirty members. Robert Atkinson and John F. Nehr, minister, and William Choran, deacon. Bro. Metzger and I had arranged to go from here to Pike county, Illinois, to organize another church, but on account of muddy roads and ill health, we postponed it for a more favorable time. – Jacksonville, Illinois, March 14. |