Clear Creek Church (1879-86?)
Brethren at Work April 10, 1879 p 8 Vol. IV No. 15 From Virden, Illinois. On Saturday, March 22nd, quite a number of brethren and sisters from various churches, met in council with the brethren and sister in Christian county, Illinois, formerly members of Sugar Creek Church. Finding them all in love and union with each other, and with all the members of the Sugar Creek Church, it was thought good to organize them into a church, which was accordingly done; after which they held a choice for deacon, the lot falling on Brother Thomas Clower, no doubt a worthy and faithful brother. Brother Benjamin B. Whitmer was also ordained to the full ministry, and now has the oversight of this church, which they named Clear Creek Church. Their membership at present numbers forty-three. Brother Benjamin being their only minister, with two deacons as help. Their prospects are fair for a prosperous future, and as their territory is large and Brother Benjamin their only minister, it is much desired by them that they be remembered by the Brethren, and often visited by other ministers who live in reach of them. Adjoining ministers, please don’t forget this. Daniel Vaniman |