Bement Church (1895-1907)
The Gospel Messenger April 9, 1895 page 235 Vol. 33 No. 15 Bement, Ill. —The organization of the Bement Brethren church, took place here Saturday, March 23. Bro. Menno Stouffer, of Mansfield, was chosen as elder; brethren S. S. Tombaugh and C. T. Rittenhouse, deacons; brethren S. Rogers, S. S. Tombaugh and C. T. Rittenhouse, trustees; sister Lydia Traxler as mission solicitor; and C. T. Rittenhouse, secretary, treasurer and corresponding clerk. This organization was effected very pleasantly, with Bro. D. B. Gibson as foreman, and in the presence of several of the adjoining elders of Mansfield, Cerro Gordo and La Place.—C. T. Rittenhouse