Batavia Church (1896-)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 3, 1896 page 638 Vol. 34 No. 41 Naperville, Ill. – The church here met in council Sept. 19, to transact business for the Lord. Permission was granted the Brethren at Batavia to organize a church at that place Oct. 3, with nineteen members. – Harvey M. Barkdoll
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 10, 1896 page 649 Vol. 34, No. 42 The church at Batavia, Ill., was organized last Saturday. Bro. Simon E. Yundt, of this place, was selected as the elder. Brethren Joseph Amick and Edmund Forney were present and assisted in the organization and such other work as came before the meeting. they speak vey encouragingly of the outlook at Batavia.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 17, 1896 page 669 Vol. 34 No. 43 Batavia, Ill. – The meetinghouse in Batavia was dedicated to the Lord July 12, 1896. The little flock of believers was organized Oct. 3, with an enrollment of nineteen members. Elders Joseph Amick, Edmund Forney, Jacob Sollenberger, and ministers C. P. Rowland and Harvey Barkdoll were present at the meeting. The offices elected were S. E. Netzley, Treasurer; sister E. F. Netzley, Clerk; S. E. Yundt, Elder; S. E. Netzley, Henry Barkdoll, Jesse Clemmer, Trustees. All things were adjusted satisfactorily. Every on agreed to work in harmony with the general Brotherhood. – S. E. Netzley