Astoria Church (Woodland) (1852-)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 5, 1898 page 767 Vol. 31 No. 48 DANNER. – In the Woodland church, Fulton Co., Ill., Nov. 15, 1893, of paralysis, Bro. Jesse Danner, aged about 81 years. In 1852 he emigrated from Pennsylvania to this state. He united with the church before he come to this State, and was elected to be ministry years ago. In 1856 he, with six others, organized the Woodland church, which now has over 300 members. Thus we use his work has prospered, and his race is run. He lived a faithful Christian life and was loved by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and seven children. Funeral services conducted by brethren Daniel Hollinger and Conrad Fitz. Lydian Walter. |