Lost River Church (1911-20)
The Gospel Messenger July 8, 1911 page 429 Vol. 50 No. 27 Leslie, Idaho As I returned from our recent Conference, at St. Joseph Mo., I stopped for two days with the brethren and sisters at Leslie, Ida. While there I held a council meeting and preached once to a very attentive audience. The services are held in a log schoolhouse, the only building now available. It is already too small for the growing Sunday-school and public services. People seem to be hungry or the preached Word. One old gentleman said, on the Sunday I was there. “this is the first time I have been to church for forty years. I have enjoyed it and will come again.” There are about fifteen members living here. The hold service each Sunday. Bro. S. I. Driver, late of Ohio, is the only minister, but is doing a good work. I am well impressed with what i saw. Land is cheap and there is water in abundance. Free fuel is closed at hand. Brethren who intend moving west might do well to investigate this place, where a great work can be done for the Master. Some homestead filings may yet be had. Boise, Ida, June 24. L. E. Keltner.
The Gospel Messenger July 8, 1911 page 429 Vol. 50 No. 27 Lost River Valley, Idaho Our church met in council June 25, 4 P. M. our elder, Bro. Keltner, of Boise, was present. This was the first council for the congregation here, as this is a new point which has just been started this spring. As Bro. Keltner was on his return from the Annual Conference, he deemed it advisable to be with us and get us lined up properly for the work we have undertaken. Our Sunday-school is progressing nicely, and the residents around Leslie are taking an interest in the work. While here, Bro. Keltner delivered on of his soul-stirring sermons, and thus our little band received an impetus that means much for the work here. We have service each Lord’s Day, which are in charge of Bro. S. I. Driver. With such an able Christian leader we feel sure of success. June 25 Bro. D. C. Campbell came to us. During this short stay he gave us two of his splendid lectures on the Holy Land. We feel encouraged by having these aged veterans of cross encourage us in the work. Since opening our Sunday-school at Leslie, another has been organized at Darlington, five miles to the south. Bro. Garmon was chosen superintendent. It is not a Brethren’s organization. By this it will be seen that our people are well liked here, although very little was known of our church before opening up the work here. We trust it may continue so to be! Leslie, Idaho, June 26 Rollo Troup |