Coeur D'Alene (1913?)
The Gospel Messenger March 8, 1913 page 155 Vol. 62 No. 10 FROM COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO. After a few years' pastoral and evangelistic work, I am again back in the District Mission field. Under the direction of the District Mission Board of. Idaho, I am located here in Coeur d'Alene, and expect to spend most of my time here and in Moscow.- Should there be parents who have children or friends in either of these cities, whom they would like to have interested in the services of the Church of the Brethren, they will kindly send me their names and addresses. I will then try to look them up, and do what I can to interest them in the Brethren's services, and the salvation of their souls. We are here to work for the Heavenly Master and the advancement of his blessed kingdom in this vast field of the' Northwest. The great drawback to our work, here in Coeur D'Alene, at the present time, is the lack of a house or place in which to hold our services. There are eleven members living here in the city, and we have an interesting Sunday-school, and a very spiritual prayer meetings. I attended one prayer meeting, at which every member but one was present, the one absent being out of the city. The number present was about twenty, and something like fifteen prayers were offered. The very air seemed to breathe a spirit of reverence and devotion . I have only been here for a short time. For the lack of a house or place in which to hold meetings, we had no preaching on Sunday, but we are hoping and trusting that the Good Lord will aid us in getting a house in which to bold our regular services without being interfered with by those of a different faith. The members have been holding their Sunday-school wherever they could get a place,—first in the Adventist church, then in the Swedish Lutheran church. At present we meet in a store building controlled by the Nazarenes,— a holiness church. They follow our Sunday-school with preaching, and thus secure our congregation. Brethren 'and sisters, pray for the work at this place, and also at Moscow. I have not been to Moscow yet. The Lord bless the work and workers everywhere! Feb. 17. . Chas. M. Yearout.
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 21, 1914 page 128 Vol. 63 No. 8 Coeur d'Alene.—We are still laboring In the Idaho field. It is a large one. Northern Idaho embraces a territory of over three hundred miles north and south, and one hundred miles east and west. So far as my knowledge goes, it has only two ministers.—Bro. B. F. Flke, of Nezperce, and the writer, at Coeur d'Alene. There are isolated members in various parts of this large territory, and two organized congregations, —Clearwater and Winchester,—that have no minister. If some of the unemployed ministers in the East, would come to this field, they could find ample room. Kootenai County is in a local option campaign, and an election will be held March 11, to vote the county dry. A large per cent of Idaho is already dry, and it is expected, that the State will be made dry in the near future. Who will come and help to subdue this field for the Heavenly Master?—Chas. M. Yearout, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Feb. 14.
The Gospel Messenger May 2, 1914 page 284 Vol. 63 No. 18 Coeur d'Alene.—On Easter Sunday we organized a new mission Sunday-school at Benewah. Idaho. Sister Etta Yearout was chosen superintendent, and Sister Fern Yearout is secretary. No members are at that place, but we have started the work and are using the Brethren literature. I think a good work can be done there.—A. K. Yearout. 1102 Sixth Street, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, April 22.
The Gospel Messenger May 23, 1914 page 331Vol. 63 No. 21 THE IDAHO MISSION FIELD. On Thursday night I returned from the District Meeting at Twin Falls, Idaho. I attended the love feast at Nampa April 25. It was a feast of fat things to the " inner man." I preached to a good audience of very attentive listeners on Sunday at 11 A. M., and in the evening I worshiped with the Father's children at Weiser. On Monday I went to Payette, and worshiped with the members at the Fruitland house, both Monday and Tuesday evenings. It was a great spiritual blessing to me, to meet and associate with those of like precious faith. My work, during the past year, has been in unorganized territory, among the isolated members, with very few exceptions I labored at seven different points. A new Sunday-school was- organized several weeks ago on Alder Creek, about forty miles south of Coeur d'Alene, and they decided to use the Brethren literature. This would be a good point at which to hold forth God's Word, as they have no preaching of any kind. Bro. Arthur Fox, who is working in the interest of State-wide prohibition, assisted in the organization, and talked to the people on Sunday. During the past year I preached 182 sermons, distributed 5,223 tracts, visited 475 families, held three love feasts, four council meetings and traveled 7,674 miles. The field is too large for one man to work. I can not near fill all the calls that come from this needy field. Since I came into this territory nine have been baptized, two applied for baptism, and three are to be restored to fellowship. While the fruits of our labors have not been what we desired, yet it is worth while the effort, as one soul is worth more than the whole world. God bless the humble efforts of his coworkers everywhere! Chas. M. Yearout. Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, May
The Gospel Messenger July 18, 1914 page 459 Vol. 63 No. 29 THE IDAHO MISSION FIELD. The work at Moscow is progressing, and the outlook seems bright. We held a short series of meetings at Troy, about twelve miles from Moscow. The interest and attendance were excellent, considering the busy time, and the short nights. We distributed about one thousand pages of tracts. Through the kindness of Bro. I. J. Rosenberger we are privileged to use fifty copies of his " Doctrinal Calendars " in our field of labor, and they are producing good results. One lady to whom I gave one of the Calendars has been baptized, and another expressed herself as being convinced that the doctrine of the Church of the Brethren is Scriptural. All this is a result of studying the Bible references on the Calendar. The Calendars are very helpful to the people in arriving at a clear understanding of the doctrines and teachings of the New Testament, as believed and practiced by the Brethren. During May and June six were baptized and one was restored to fellowship. We are having good congregations, in and around Moscow. The people come as far as six or seven miles to some of our appointments in the country. The work at Coeur d'Alene is not so promising at the present time. Our place of meetings is not adapted to the best interests of the mission here. We are thinking strongly of moving our services to the Spring Water addition, in the east end of the city. We have been made to realize, that, in order to have the people attend our services, we must have a house that is neat, inviting and fully adapted to the worship of God. This we do not have at present. The Lord bless his work everywhere! Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Chas. M. Yearout
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 31, 1914 page 700 Vol. 63 No. 44 Idaho Missions,—We are still moving along in our missions in Northern Idaho. Two have been baptized since my last report. We expect to begin a series of meetings at Moscow the fore part of November, to be conducted by Bro. S. S. Neher, of Twin Falls, Idaho. We expect to hold our love feast about the close of these meetings. We expect Bro. Neher to come from Moscow to Coeur d'Alene, to hold some meetings here. We desire to hold a love feast here while Bro. Neher is with us.—Chas. M. Yearout, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Oct. 19. |