Atlanta Church (1897-?)
The Gospel Messenger 12-25-1897 p 824 Vol. 35 No. 52 A congregation has just been organized at Atlanta, Ga. We presume this is the first congregation of the Brethren ever organized in that State. With two exceptions, we now have congregations in all the Southern States, and hope to see these multiply rapidly.
The Gospel Messenger 01-08-1898 p 30 Vol. 35 No. 2 From Atlanta, Ga. By authority of the General Mission Board, Bro. S. F. Sanger, of Calverton, Va., accompanied by Bro. S. M. Eby, of Winterhaven, Fla., came to our city Dec. 11, and organized the little body of members in the State of Georgia into a church, - eight by letter and two that were baptized here there were two present that did not present their letters. We held an election for on deacon, resulting in the choice of Bro. E. D. Bashor. After the election, he, with his wife, was duly installed. The church then chose Bro. S. F. Sanger, of Calverton, Va., as their elder. The church is to be know as the First German Baptist Brethren church of Atlanta. After the organization we decided to have a Communion, so, in the evening of the same day, we again met at the Barcley mission, 191 Marietta St., and had a very pleasant and orderly Communion, with the six brethren and five sisters around the Lord’s table. It being Saturday night there were only about fifty spectators present, as Saturday night is given more to business than any other night in the week. On other evenings the stores are closed at 6 p. M., while on Saturday night they are open until 11 o’clock. Those that attended the meeting, therefore, felt interested, and were very attentive. May of those present resorted to their Bibles, and some said to us afterward that it was according to Scripture. Luther Petry. 95 Mean St., Dec. 14 |