Miami: First Church (1935-)
The Gospel Messenger July 2,0, 1935 page 29 Vol. 84 No. 30 Miami. – At our monthly meeting Bro. Amza Price taught the Sunday-school lesson, following which the church was organized. Brethren J. H. Morris and J. d. Reish were present. The officers were: J. H. Morris, elder; Simon Richardson, Amanda B. Snyder and Amza Price, trustees; Doris Price, clerk, treasurer and secretary. We have twenty-three charter members and one letter was granted. After the noon lunch and social hour Bro. Reish conducted the afternoon service which was enjoyed by all. the church at Plymouth, Ind., donated our songbooks for which we are very thankful. Our next meeting will be at the home of Brother and Sister A. L. Kilmer, 104 S. E. Fifth Ave., Ft. Lauderdale. – Doris Price, Homestead, Fla., June 25. |