Seneca Church (Eustis) (1915-48?)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 27, 1915 page 140 Vol. 64 No. 9 Seneca. – On Sunday, Feb. 7, Bro. Isaac Frantz, of Pleasant Hill, Ohio, commenced a series of meetings here, which continued two weeks. Three Sunday-school scholars united with the church by baptism. On Saturday afternoon we organized our congregation, with twenty-one charter members. All of them were present except one. Bro. J. C. Funderburgh was unanimously chosen as elder in charge. The other officers Bro. Roy M. Price, clerk and solicitor; Sister Sadie Funderburgh, chorister; Sister Bessie Price, Messenger correspondent; Brethren W. H. Miller, C. O. Firestone and Roy M. Price trustees. Brethren C. O. Firestone and Roy M. Price were chosen deacons. They, with their wives, were duly installed. On Sunday morning, after Sunday-school. Bro. Frantz gave an illustrated talk to the children, followed by a talk to the parents on “Parental Duties,” as taught in the Bible. Baptismal services, in a beautiful little lake close by, followed the preaching hour. At 5:30 P. M. twenty-eight members surrounded the Lord’s table, to hold our first communion service at this place. Bro. Frantz officiated, assisted by Eld. J. M. Mohler, of Mechanicsburg, Pa., Eld., J. H. Garst, of Salem, Va., and Eld. Abram Claar, of Queen, Pa. the other visitors at the love feast were Brother and Sister Surbey, of Akron, Ohio, Sister J. M. Mohler, of Mechanicsburg, Pa., and Sister Billman, of St. Petersburg, Fla. The attention and order of the neighbors, who came to witness the ordinances, were the very best. The meetings during the week were a great help to our members and other people of our neighborhood. Our Sunday-school is still increasing, the attendance on Feb. 14 being eighty-one and the collection $2.24. Bro. J. M. Mohler will commence a series of meetings for us Feb. 21. – Bessie Price, Star Route, Eustis, Fla., Feb. 17.
The Gospel Messenger April 24, 1915 page 368 Vol. 64 No. 17 Seneca. – April 3 we met in our first council. Sunday-school officers were reelected to serve the remainder of this year. At this meeting Bo. Funderburgh and wife presented the trustees with deed to the church building and one acre of land on which it is located. This winter Bro. Funderburgh had a deep well drilled at the church, casting over one hundred dollars. This is also included in the donation. Brethren thinking of coming to Florida should come where the church is established and help the few members that are here. Bro. J. C. Funderburgh and wife will represent our church at Annual Conference. – Bessie Price, Star Route, Eustis, Fla., April 10
The Gospel Messenger May 8, 1915 page 296 Vol. 64 No. 19 It was very kind of Bro. Jacob Funderburgh and wife, of Eustis, Fla., to purchase the Seneca church, have a well put down at a cost of $100, and then make a present of the same, including one acre of ground, to the newly-organized congregation in that vicinity. The building is beautifully located, on a lofty eminence, in an extensive, pine forest, having an altitude of fully 30d feet above sea level. Here a quiet people meet and worship, in a genial clime, far away from the dust and din of city environments. |