Jacksonville Church (1942-)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 12, 1942 page 28 Vol. 91 page 38 Clay County. – Our church has sustained a heavy lost in numbers and leadership by the organization of the new church in Jacksonville, known as the Church of the Brethren in Jacksonville, Fla. This work was completed on July 12. We also gave their letters to Brother and Sister F. S. Royer, who returned to their former home in Wellsville, Kansas. We feel this loss keenly, but are continuing our services. During the past year we have exceeded out quota for the C. P. S. camps. Our aid society has sent one camp kit to Magnolia, Ark., sold articles to the amount of $8.50, paid $15 for repairing the church piano and has a number of articles on hand to be sold. There is a balance in the treasury of $12.23. Our Sunday school is small but the interest is good. Our elder, Bro. H. B. Layman, called a special council for July 19, at which time officers were elected to replace those lost by letter. Letter were granted to seven charter members of the Jacksonville church. – Mrs. T. E. Jenkins, Doctors Inlet, Fla., Aug. 8 |