Chosen Chruch (1922-28?)
The Gospel Messenger June 3, 1922 page 348 Vol. 71 No. 22 ORGANIZATION OF TWO CHURCHES IN THE SOUTH On the morning of May 1 I left my home in North Carolina for Sebring, Fla., arriving the next day at 9 P. M. May 3, in company with Eld. J. H. Garst, we left Sebring for Chosen, Fla., south of Lake Okeechobee, where a number of brethren, with their families, have located and were anxious for an organization. May 4 we met with the members in council, and effected an organization. Bro. J. R. Leatherman, an elder in the newly organized congregation, was elected elder in charge. We think the outlook is good for a prosperous congregation in that part of Florida. They would like to correspond with a good, loyal minister of the Church of the Brethren— one who would come there and take charge of their school as principal and who would help in church work. The school pays a good salary, and the members would help the right man to some extent for what he may do in church work. They are also desirous to have other consecrated members locate there and to help them build up the church. The name of the congregation is Chosen. They have a fine location—the land being very fertile, and vegetation fine. As Bro. Garst was ill and could not go on with me, I went alone to Denton, Ga., near where there are sixteen members who also wanted an organization. We held a few meetings and assisted in organizing the first Church of the Brethren in Georgia. Bro. Clarence E. Bower was elected elder. We feel that the Brethren have found a good location in which to build up a large congregation. They have regular preaching services, have organized a Sunday-school and arc at work in earnest. They are desirous of having many more good loyal brethren and sisters to help in building up the Church of the Brethren in that goodly land. The real estate men at this place are doing what they can to settle up that part of Georgia with the right kind of people. They surely know how to treat strangers. The brethren, too, are kind, and treated us well at both places. We enjoyed their hospitality very much. Melvin Hill, N. C. Geo, A. Branscom.