Brooksville Church (1925-30?)
The Gospel Messenger March 28, 1924 page 196 Vol. 74 No. 13 Brooksville Church of the Brethren met Sunday. March 8, 1925, with the purpose of organizing. After Sunday-school Bro. Bail, of Arcadia, Fla., delivered an interesting sermon to about sixty-five. Dinner was served in the building, after which we assembled again, and the church was organized. Bro. J. H. Garst, of Sebring, Fla., was chosen as our elder. Although we number only twenty-four we are hoping to do a great work here at Brooksville and would welcome and appreciate the coming of anyone interested in church work. Bro. Brubaker who has been with us for the past few months is going to leave soon, and we will be without a minister.—Miss Dorothy Cain. Brooksville, Fla., Mar |