Rock Creek Church (Monta Vista) (1888-95?)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 18, 1890 page 717 Vol. 28 No. 45 From the Rock Creek Church, Colo. I can to the above name church Oct. 25, and began preaching the same evening, in the Hileman school-house, with a good attendance, and continued over Sunday and also the following week. Bro. Larick, who resides here, had been holding meeting the week previous to my coming. This give them a two weeks’ meeting in all, and as a result of the effort, four precious souls were made willing to join in with the people of God. Having such a soul-cheering meeting, the Brethren thought it good to close with a love-feast, and, accordingly, on Saturday evening, Nov. 1, we met at the house of Bro. Joseph Price, and as one family partook of the emblems of Christ’s broken body and shed blood. This church was organized about two years ago, by Elder G. W. Fesler, and others, with a membership of eighteen members, but since then nearly all have moved away, and Bro. Larick and wife are left alone here. He was becoming somewhat discouraged ant talked of moving away, but now is willing to stay, to work for the upbuilding of his Master’s cause in this part of his vineyard. Our prayer is that this little church may be as a vine planted by the rivers, that it may bear much fruit to the honor and glory of God! A C. Snowberger Monte Vista, Colo. |