Poudre Valley Church (1892 - after 1902)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 2, 1892 page 77 Longmont, Colo., - According to previous arrangements the Brethren, now composing the Powder Valley church, eight miles east of Ft. Collins, Colo., met at the Caccus school-house Jan. 16, and effected an organization. All the members were present but three, but all expressed themselves as being willing to labor for the upbuilding of the cause of Christ, and in harmony with the General Brotherhood. May the prayers of God’s children go up in their behalf that they may grow in grace and well as numbers. Feeling the need of official help, they elected Br. D. M. Glick to the ministry, and brethren Samuel Pye and Samuel Glick to the office of deacon. All felt the great responsibility that is being place on them, and an unusual solemnity prevailed. May they all be instruments in the hands of God for good! Any good, faithful minister, whishing to enjoy the pure air of Colorado, might fine it to his advantage to correspond with the above brethren at Ft. Collins, Colo. – G. W. Fesler.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 11, 1902 page 652 Poudre Valley. – Sept. 26, we went to Windsor, Colo., to hold a council meeting and feast with this little body of members. Bro. J. F. Shuck is the only ministering brother here, and is laboring under many disadvantages. Saturday forenoon two children were received into the church by baptism. They were the two oldest children of the above-name minister. Saturday afternoon an election was held for a deacon. The lot fell on Bro. Jacob Click. He and his wife were duly installed. Seventeen members surrounded the table in the evening, many for the first time. It was a very enjoyable season. Two services were held on Sunday with interested congregations. – L. E. Keltner, Denver, Colo., Sept. 30.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 13, 1906 page 32 Vol. 45 No. 2 Poudre Valley church met in council at the house of Bro. L. C. Mayers, in Greeley, Dec. 31, Eld. C. Fitz, of Boulder, presiding. The church accepted the resignation of Bro. L. E. Keltner as elder in charge and chose Bro. Fitz in his stead. The membership having decreased to eight members, we resolved to ask district meeting to disorganize the Poudre Valley church, so the members could united with other congregations. A brother who is aged and in poor health and has been out of the fold several years, was restored to fellowship and received the anointing. Sister Signora Mayes was sermons at Lucerne to attentive audiences. Bro. F. Athey lives at Lucerne, which should be made a mission. – J. F. Shuck, Wellington, Colo., Jan. 3.