Antioch (Lowland) (1909-1966) The Gospel Messenger February 13, 1909 page 108 Lowland. – Jan. 23 Brethren C. Fitz and L. F. Love came to this place, about seventeen miles south of Calhan to assist in organizing the Brethren into a working body. Sunday at 3 P. M., the services were opened by elder Love, after which Bro. Fitz, presided over the meeting. Nineteen memberships were reads, and by spring we expect five more to be handed in. Then the following a short covenant service, when all the members were questioned as to their church relation. Each one promised to be true to the church. The following officers were elected: Sister Sadie N. Groff, church clerk; Bro. Elias S. Groff, treasurer; the writer, church corresponded; Bro., J. C. Groff, Messenger agent it was decided to postpone, indefinitely, the election of trustee. Bro. Love was unanimously chosen as our elder for one year. The church is located from Burlington, Colo., west, to Colorado Springs, the northern boundary between this church and Denver. The new congregation is to be known as “The Lowland Church” at the close of the service we had special prayer for one of our sisters, who came to this country for her health. Although we are but organized, we pray the Father to bless us all, to help us work together, and that the work may prosper. We earnestly pray for our minister whose field is large. – Hattie Netzley Conger, Calhan, Colo., Jan. 25.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 19, 1912 page 668 Vol. 61 No. 42 Lowland church met in council Sept. 28, with Bro. Detrick presiding. Our church name was changed from Lowland to Antioch. We will have love feast Nov. 16. Bro. J. J. Wassam and Sister Maude Deeter are our delegates to District Meeting. – Sadie N. Groff, Wayne, Colo., Oct. 4 |