Jaroso Church (1922-25?)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 13, 1923 page 28 Vol. 72 No. 2 Jaroso.— Being authorized by our last District Meeting to organize ii church at Jaroso. the brethren of this community met at the home of Bro. R. A. Jarboe Dec. 16 for that purpose. Eld. D. O. Cottrell, of Rocky Ford, had charge of the meeting. We organized with twenty charter members. The following officers were elected: Bro. W. D. Harris, elder; Bro. Marion Roesch, church clerk; the writer, correspondent; church trustees: J. H. Roesch, R. A. Jarboe, M. C. Rocsch, W. D. Harris and S. E. Harris. It seemed advisable to install a deacon at this time, and Bro. R. A. Jarboe was chosen. Sister Roesch was installed into the ministry, her husband, Bro. Marion Rocsch, having been installed before their marriage. At the next council meeting, Dec. 28, Sunday-school and other officers were elected, with Bro. J. H. Roesch superintendent. Dec. 17 we enjoyed hearing Bro. Cottrell preach two excellent sermons. Our Christian Workers' services ace generally well attended.—J. R. Jarboe, Jaroso, Colo., Dec. 29. |