Haxtum (Good Hope) Church (1886 - )
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 1, 1895 page 638 Good Hope Church, Colo. The love feast held in this church last Saturday evening was a pleasant one. Our beloved brother and elder, S. M. Gouchnour, was with us for the first time since taking charge of our church and by his earnest preaching and his kind words of love and encouragement he made many warm friends among the brethren and friends who attended the meeting. a deep feeling of solemnity seemed to pervade the entire evening service and we have reason to believe that some are near the kingdom. The following morning the church held an election for deacon and the choice fell on our dear brother, Joel Kinzie. Our elder so impressively laid the order before the congregation, regarding the duties of the deacon, that many were the tears that were shed as the dear brother and sister were being received into their office. – A. C. Snowberger, Holyoke, Colo. Sept. 10
The Gospel Messenger Aug. 3, 1886 page 478 From Julesburg, Colorado On the 10th of this month the saints met at my house and organized themselves into a church to work for the Master as the gospel directs and as understood by the Brethren in Annual Meeting. Much love and good feeling prevailed. I hope, under God’s blessing, we may be able to do much good. On the 11th had preaching at my house, where Bro. A. C. Snowberger gave us a good sermon on the text, “What is a man profited it he gain the whole would and lose his own soul?” the writer following with some remarks in English and then speaking in German for the satisfaction of some German friends present. To-day I preached the funeral of a friend’s little child, age two years and some months. It was sick only a few hours before it died. This was the first funeral in this new country. – quite a solemn scene. John S. Snowberger.
The Gospel Messenger August 24, 1886 page 526 From Weld Co., Col. We, a little band of Brethren, who have settled in the Far West, met and organized ourselves into a church body, July 10, according to the rules of the New Testament. There were eleven members present; nine letters handed in. We had a pleasant meeting. Everything passed off in love and harmony, and we felt that the spirit of the Lord was among us. - Among the letters handed in was one from Bro. J. S. Snowberger, an old brother, one who has been elder for many years, and has labored faithfully. We heartily welcome him as our elder, and willingly put ourselves under his care. We ask the prayers of the entire Brotherhood, that God may bless us in our undertaking, and that we may build up a strong church in the near future. We named our new body Good Hope. We are twenty-five miles south of Julesburg, Col., in Township 8, Range 43, Section 44. We cordially ask all, who may come our way, to stop over with us. We send our love and brotherly greeting to all the Brotherhood, in the fear of the Lord. S. O. Furrey, Clerk.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 9, 1909 page 28 Goodhope. – Upon agreement of both the Sterling and Haxtum congregations. The Sterling congregation was organized into a separate church, by the cooperation of a committee from the late district meeting and the Goodhope church, in regular council. The Goodhope church, in its changed condition, met in council, three miles west of Haxtum, in Logan County, Colo., Dec. 28, with our elder, D. B. Miller, of Sterling, present. Elders Fitz and Love were also with us. This church now includes all of the old territory east of the Range line, dividing Townships fifty and fifty-one, sunning north and south through the old territory. There are twenty-one members, with two letters pending. The officers are as follows: minister, Bro. Joel H. Kinzie, second degree, and Bro. Lewis J. Hulse, advanced to the second degree at this meeting; deacons, Brethren John Murray and Henry J. Hulse; Clerk, Bro. J. H. Kinzie; treasurer, L. J. Hulse. Sister Maud Kinzie was chosen president of Christian Worker’s Meetings; Sister J. H. Kinzie, Sunday school superintended, and Sister Altha M. Hulse, Messenger correspondent. Eld. D. B. Miller was reelected elder in chare for two years. – H. J. Hulse, Haxtum, Colo., Dec. 29
The Gospel Messenger March 27, 1909 page 206 From the Good Hope Church Haxtum is located in the northeastern part of Colorado, abut thirty miles form the east line, and twenty-five miles from the north line, on the B. & M. R. R., 170 mils northeast of Denver. One year ago, the last of January, wife and I came to Haxtum. At that time there were eight members living here, holding their membership in what is now the Sterling church. The first of February we organized a Sunday school, or rather reorganized, as the few members living here at that time were holding Sunday school during the summer months; and Bro. Kinzie was preaching for the people once every two weeks. We are glad to say, that, during the year, the work has prospered at this place, as our Sunday school has not stopped, as hereto fore. A series of meetings was held in September, and seventeen sermons delivered. Two young sisters were added to the fold. On the 12th we held a most enjoyable feast. Seven letters have been received during the year, and three members are with us who have not yet handed in their letters, making, in all, twenty-two members. Dec. 26, 1908, the Sterling church was organized, to be known, hereafter, by that name, while we retained the name “Good Hope church.” We were reorganized Dec. 28, 1908, and now have preaching every Sunday, both morning and evening, Sunday school and Christian Workers’ meetings. The prospects here are very encouraging, and we should like to have earnest workers move among us. We have a good, healthful climate and the best of soft water; land is cheap, and those living in the East, where rents and lands are high, would do well to look this county over. It is also a farming country, producing wheat, oats, Corn, barley, rye, potatoes, etc. I am not interested in the real estate business, and have no land to sell, but will do what I can to help members wishing to locate with us. Lewis J. Hulse, Haxtum, Colo., March 10.