Grand Junction Church (1905-1946)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 7, 1905 page 636 Vol. 44 No. 40 Grand Valley. – Our council meeting was held Sept. 23. Two members were received by letter. It was decided to hold a love feast Oct. 7, at the close of the district meeting for Northwestern Kansas and Colorado, after which a series of meetings is to be held, conducted by Bro. Ezra George, of Quinter Kans. The Brethren near Palisade sent a petition asking the privilege to organize a church to themselves, which was granted. There are fourteen members living in that locality, two of them being elders. Steps have been taken to make another division in Grand Valley church, so that we think there will soon be three congregations, in the valley. Eld. D. M. Mohler and wife, of Missouri, are now in the valley visiting their two sons, and they expect to remain until after the district meeting. On Sunday last, Bro. Mohler preached two very acceptable sermons. – Anna L. Bryant, Grand Junction, Colo., Sept. 27 |