Fruita Church The Gospel Messenger Jan. 20,1906 page 46 Grand Valley Church, Colorado We have reached another milepost in the history of the Grand Valley church. We have been richly blessed of the lord in the past year. One of number has been called away by death, but the rest have enjoyed reasonably good health, blessed with rich harvest of temporal things. Twelve were received into the churchy by baptism during the year and one was reclaimed. We enjoyed having the district meeting in our congregation, which was well attended, and we trust ws the means of doing some good. Eld. E. George, of Quinter, Kans, remained with us two weeks after the district meeting. He gave us a series of good sermons which we enjoyed very much. Eld. D. M. Mohler, of Warrensburg, Mo., spent a few weeks with us during the summer and fall, and his counsel and sermons were very much appreciated. Our new churchhouse at Fruita was dedicated in the early spring, and a strong active congregation is being built up at that point. The members near Palisades have been organized into a separate congregation, known as the Palisade church. This being the first offspring of the Grand Valley church, we feel to bid them Godspeed, and pray that the Holy Spirit may guide this little band of God’s children to praise and to the good of many precious souls. Many have been received into our church by letter during the year, and we are thereby numerically strengthened. And, oh, what a power for good could we all be if we would just unite our powers for Christ and the church. May that be our earnest desire and prayer. D. M. Click, Grand Valley, Colo., Jan. 2.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 27, 1906 Page 60 Vol. 45, No. 4 First Grand Valley. – We met in special council Jan. 13, to elect church officers. At our regular council at Fruita, it was decided to divide the congregation, the church in this locality taking the name of First Grand Valley. At a former council, Sister Hannah Trissel was given permission to conduct children’s meetings every Sunday evening at the time of the Christian Workers’ meeting. Our Sunday-school quarterly report showed an average attendance of seventy-seven for the year. – Anna L. Bryant, Grand Junction, Colo., Jan. 16.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 27, 1906 Page 60 Vol. 45, No. 4 Fruita. – Grand Valley church met in council Jan. 7. It was decided to divide the congregation into two organizations, the east one to be known as First Grand Valley church; the west one as Fruita church. The Fruita congregation have chosen the following officers for one year; Solicitor for local expenses, Lizzie Ebber; Publishing House agent, Sister Penny; clerk, D. C. Glick. Sunday school was reorganized by reelecting O. J. Bolenger superintendent. Our report shows an average attendance of sixty-two scholars. Quarter’s collections were $11.89; birthday offerings, $5.05. we have sent the quarter’s surplus, $11.50, to be used in the mission work at Denver. – D. C. Glick, Fruita, Colo., Jan. 17.