Cheraw Church 1919-26)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 29, 1919 page 764 Vol. 68 No. 48 Cheraw.—On Saturday, Nov. 1, Eld. J. J. Yoder, of McPherson. Kans., and Eld. Homer Ullom, of Wiley, Colo., met with the members living near Cheraw, to organize a church. There are thirty-eight members living in this community, who constitute the charter members. The following officers were chosen: Bro. David Hamm, elder; Sister Cora Boone Henard, clerk; Sister Annie Benge, correspondent. At present we have no churchhouse. but take part in a Union Sunday-school and church services in the Progressive Mennonite church, two miles west of this place. Cheraw is a growing little town in the Arkansas Valley. It is the trade center of a rich, irrigated country of abundant opportunity for any one who would like to live in sunny Colorado. We shall be glad to have many more of our members locate here. Lots have already been purchased in Cheraw, on which to build a churchhouse. We hope to have our house completed, by June, 1920. It is the intention of this church to secure a minister to give his full time to the work.-Annie Benge, Cheraw, Colo., Nov. 13. |