Bethel Church (1910 - ) The Gospel Messenger Dec. 3, 1910 page 796 Arriba. – Nov. 19, Eld. B. E. Kesler, of River Bend, Colo., came to Arriba. The same day we were organized into a church. Eld. J. Stambaugh was chosen as elder for the coming year. It was decided to call the new organization “Bethel Church.” Bro. Frank Wagoner was elected to the ministry and he and his wife were duly installed. Bro. Amos Peters was elected deacon. Hew was also installed. Bro. Frank Wagoner was chosen church clerk; bro. Amos Peters, treasurer, and the writer, Messenger correspondent. Brethren Elmer Stambaugh, Amos Peters and T. H. Lilly were chosen trustees. We now have seventeen letters handed in. Other not being present at the organization will hand in their letters later. On Sunday morning Bro. Kesler preached an impressive sermon on the subject . “The Love God.” – Nellie Stanbaugh, Arriba, Colo., Nov. 20
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 17, 1910 page 830 The Organization at Arriba, Colo. Complete as are the minutes of our Annual Conference, yet there seems to be no plan or method of procedure laid down for organizing churches. Nov. 19 was set as the date to organize the members at Arriba, Colo., into a local congregation Bro. L. F. Love, of Denver, and the writer had been named as the committee to effect this organization, but, after repeated efforts, the notice of the date failed to reach Bro. Love, and so the writer was left alone in the work. However, on meeting with them, in response to their unanimous request, the work was proceeded with. Having had little experience in work of this kind, the question was how to proceed, but finally we proceeded as follow: The Procedure. The order of the church was stated as follows: Brethren are supposed to dress in plain, uniform order of the church, and officers are demanded and required to do so, viz., the plain frock coat, with standing color, and not ties of any kind. Sisters are supposed to wear the prayer covering, viz., the plain, white cap and the bonnet. Their other clothing is to be plain to correspond. Neither brethren nor sisters are supposed to wear jewelry, such as good or pearls, for adornment, nor costly apparel. Both brethren and sisters are supposed to work in harmony with the established rules and principles of our General Brotherhood, and each church as a part of the one great family of God, is supposed to work in harmony with the principles of their great family, in order that peace and harmony may prevail amongst us. Now, are you willing, on becoming organized, to work in harmony with the general principles of the Gospel, as understood and practiced by our beloved Brotherhood. You will not be asked to answer, individually, this question, but it will be presumed and taken for granted, if you present your letter here today, to be enrolled in this organization, that you mean to conform to the order and general distinctive features of the church, as just outlined. A number of letters were then presented and read, and in each case the questions was asked. “Are there any objections to the acceptance of this letter” None being raised the letter was passed as accepted. The name selected for the church is Bethel. Eld. Jacob Stambaugh of Arriba, Colo., who resides among them, was chosen as elder up to Dec. 31, 1911. Other officers were elected for a like term of office. Eld. Jacob Stambaugh, with Bro. L. J. Redding in the second degree of ministry, and Bro. Frank Wagner, who was elected to the ministry at the organization, composed the ministerial force. Bro. Horner, a deacon, and Bro. Amos Peters, who was elected to the office of deacon, at the organization, comprise the staff of deacons. This board of ministers and deacons will manage the business affairs of this new organization. May the great Leader and Caption of our salvation direct them. And may this little family of the Father’s children so let their light shine that much good may be done in this little corner of God’s great harvest field! B. E. Kesler River Bend, Colo., Nov. 23
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 29, 1921 page 668 Bethel – Sept. 25 Bro. Roger Winger, of McPherson, Kans., give us two splendid addresses on Religious Education. His wife gave several good talks to the children and also a fine reading. Sept 26 Bro. E. F. Sherfy began our revival meetings. He preached twenty instructive sermons and gave fifteen illustrated talks to the children. Twelve have been baptized; five will be baptized Oct. 16. Bro. Sherfy made a number of calls and did splendid personal work. The Bethel church now numbers forty-two active members, twenty-one of whom have been baptized since the present pastor, Geo. R. Eller, took up the work, March 1, 1920. Our new churchhouse was dedicated Oct. 2 – Eld. Sherfy preaching the dedicatory sermon. We have a good community, good land, a good churchhouse, with growing attendance and interest. Our young members are loyal and active. If any on is looking for good, cheap homes, a good church home and community in which live and work, he can find such in the Bethel community. – Geo. R. Eller, Arriba, Colo., Oct. 14.