Merrington Church (1910-1956)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 4 1920 page 532 KINDERSLEY, SASK., CANADA July 24 the members of the Merrington church engaged in the first love feast ever observed by our people in Western Saskatchewan, Canada. Thirteen members were present. Bro. David Hollinger officiated. The organization of the members into a working body was also attended to. After devotional exercises, Elders David Hollinger and J. C. Culp, who were appointed for that work by the District, assisted by the writer, attended to the task assigned. Bro. Hollinger stated that the approval of District Meeting had been secured and announced the purpose of the gathering. In response to Bro. Hollinger's remarks, the charter members expressed their willingness to work in harmony with the principles of the church, according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was decided to select two deacons, and the voice of the church fell upon Brethren Norman Church and Benjamin Wenger. The church also decided to advance Bro. Isaac C. Baker to the eldership. Brethren Church and Wenger, with their wives, were duly installed into their office as deacons. Bro. Baker was chosen as elder in charge. Bro. Church was elected church clerk. Following the above work the writer gave a short address, after which lunch was served in the basement. At 2 P. M. we engaged in Sunday-school work, after which we had a sermon by Eld. Hollinger. At 8 P. M. the writer addressed a body of earnest listeners in a schoolhouse, about seven miles from the church. The Brethren at Kindersley are indeed a zealous body of believers, earnestly working for the extension of spiritual life. They are anxious for more of our people to move among them. They have a good location, and land can be secured at very reasonable rates. Bro. Norman Church will answer all letters of inquiry. M. N. Rensberger