San Francisco Church (1944-)
The Gospel Messenger January 20, 1945 page 13 Vol. 94 No. 3 The Church in San Francisco Thought the efforts of Bro. Herman Landis, now in Africa, the San Francisco church had its beginning in August 1942. Thirteen adults and six children met with Brother and Sister Landis at the home of William Youngs and enjoyed a potluck supper together. It was decided to hold monthly meetings. At our fifth monthly meeting held in January 1943, J. W. Lear, Western Region director, and Paul Studebaker, member of the district board, were present. The possibility of work by the Brethren in San Francisco and the Peninsula was discussed and suggestions made for contacting possible members. The board decided to assist in securing a summer pastor. The group met with Bro. David Studebaker on June 13, 1943, at the Christian Fellowship Retreat, 41 Grant Ave., for our first Sunday morning service. After David and Mary Studebaker returned to Bethany in September, the district board continued to send a pastor each Sunday until the problem of transportation became too difficult. In July 1944 the district board and local group purchased a house at 1547 Thirty-First Street to used as a parsonage. Our pastor, Br. Dillon Gnagy, and his family arrived in July to work with the contractors. The church services commenced Sept. 10, the group meeting with Bro. Gnagy and family for morning services in the basement of the parsonage. Sept. 24 Bro. Paul Studebaker, ministerial secretary of the district board, came from Modesto to assist the group in perfecting the organization of church. Bro. Gnagy was elected to serve as our elder. There were thirty-two who indicated their desire to become charter members. The general and district boards have assisted in purchasing a lot at Thirty-fourth Ave., and Noriega St., and through their help it will be possible to build the first unit of the church plant. The San Francisco Church Council Committee has allotted us a territory which it will be our responsibility to serve. On of the things very evident in the organization of the work is the fine spirit of fellowship and unity that exists among the members of the group. Brother and sister Munnert represented our church at district meeting. We plan to start Sunday school soon. On invitation, our church joined with the Oakland church in observing our love feast on Oct. 1. – Cora See, San Francisco., Calif. |