San Diego Church (Santee) (1912-)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 20, 1912 page 48 Vol. 61 No. 3 Santee. -Our union Sunday-school was reorganized today for the year 1912. The writer was elected superintendent Sister Mary Johnson, secretary. Our school uses the Brethen literature. The Mission is progressing. Two families of members from San Diego were with us on Christmas. Some are looking this way from the East. We expect to organize a church in the near future. Brethren seeking a new home in a mild climate should see this valley, where they can help the cause and themselves at the same time. We need workers here to help the cause. We have a mild climate, good land good schools, and are striving to do the Master's work.—E, W. Pratt, Box 52, Santee, Cal., Jan. 7.
The Gospel Messenger Feb 17, 1912 page 108 Vol. 61 No. 7 Santee.- Jan. 28 Brethren W. E. Trostle, Harvey Snell and Geo. H. Bashor, members of the Mission Board, were with us. Bro. Snell, our District Sunday-school secretary, gave a over. Bro. Bashor then delivered a very impressive sermon on “Unity,” which was quite encouraging to the members. After the regular services we met in council to organize for the year’s work. Our elder, Bro. Geo H. Bashor, presided. Bro. Bashor was chosen as our elder in charge for one year: Bro. E. W. Pratt, clerk; Bro. E. C. Johnson, treasurer; the writer, church correspondent and Messenger agent. If any members, passing through this part of the country, can stop with us, they are heartily invited to do so. We should be glad to have an elder locate in this valley. Bro. S. A. Honberger, our present elder, will leave us to take up mission work in the East. We feel much encouraged with the good work he has started here, and pray God’s blessing upon the work. – Anna R. Hyatt, Box 77, Santee, Cal., Feb. 1.