San Bernardino Church (1923-50)
The Gospel Messenger March 24, 1923 page 188 Vol. 72 No. 12 Riverside.—With our little flock here and in San Bernardino, another chapter has been written recently. Our feet have been set in a larger room, our responsibilities, while not so much greater. Are intensified, centralized to a definite task, an activity in the Kingdom of Christ—the development and concern of a new-born organization. Feb. 14 Elders Jacob Funk and Jonathan A. Brubaker and their good wives, of the Pomona congregation, met with us—twenty-two in all—in San Bernardino. We effected a separate organization, which will be known as the First Church, San Bernardino. This is a spontaneous product, born out of prayer, desire and effort, and we trust it will be for the saving of souls in the Kingdom. We are organized for work, with most of the officers necessary. A lot had been purchased previously, on which we hope to build a very much needed house of worship. Permanency is an essential factor in our work for the Master. San Bernardino and Riverside are ideal places for eastern members to locate. Ours is a good country, with plenty of work and a great opportunity in the Master's vineyard.— L. D. and Mrs. Bosserman, Riverside, Calif., March 4. |