Reedley Church (1905-)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 17, 1905 page 117 Vol. 45 No. 7 The Reedley Church of California The Reedley church was organized in May, 1905, with ten members. It is located in Fresno county, two hundred miles from San Francisco and 270 miles from Los Angeles. The Laton church is the only adjoining church, twenty-seven miles away. On the coming to this place, we began Sunday school and meeting at the home of Bro. M. Y. Snavely, but have since secured a room in the public school building in Reedley, which is much more suitable. Attendance and interest have been very encouraging, so that we already feel the need of a churchhouse. In the past five weeks five families of Brethren have located here. Among these are Dr. Sheaffer and wife, of Morrill, Kans. Other are expecting to come in the near future and those interested in either fruit growing or grain farming can yet find cheap land. Brethren sound in the faith, and who advocate doing mission work on the frontier by immigration or colonization, can here are epistles that have been known and read as those who live their religion. For this reason preaching by word with our hands, too, when necessary, that we be not chargeable to the church or mission board. We are having splendid rains and the almond and other blossoms are flourishing. Those desiring to visit our country may come from Fresno over either the Southern pacific of Santa Fe to Reedley. Main line of both the above roads pass through Reedley. Reedley is twenty-three miles southeast of Fresno. To those who have asked how we like the place, we can say we are well satisfied and especially with the outlook of the Brethren church. D. L. Forney. Reedley, Cal., Feb. 14.
The Gospel Messenger May 27, 1905 page 334 Vol. 44 No. 21 From Dinuga, California A small group of the member of the Oak Grove church, of Fresno county, California, residing in Hills Valley in the extreme north side of our Oak Grove church territory, four miles distant, asked to be organized into a separate organization. Oak Grove church in council April 15 granted their request, and appointed three of her elders to consummate the organization. May 6 was set for the work. The committee went at the time and to the place appointed; found ten members present, all willing to continue to work with the general order of the Bretherhood. The organization as effected, with Eld. I. F. Betts, a resident elder, in charge, with here deacons, church treasurer, secretary and church correspondent, all of their own number. Line were established dividing the territory between Oak Grove and Reedley congregations, the new organization adopting the name Reedley church. The elder in charge then made appointments for their work: Sunday school at 10 A. M. and preaching at 11 A. M. every Sunday at Hills Valley schoolhouse, and as soon as arrangements can be made, to have preaching at the town of Reedly. These are all sincere and devoted members. May the good Lord bless and crown their efforts with the Brethren. One of their numbers preached at the house of Bo. Shimer, Saturday evening, and one at 11 A. M. Sunday morning in Hills Valley schoolhouse. These Brethren are nicely located, have a goodly land, have plenty of room for energetic Brethren and all other tood people who are willing to earn their daily bread by the sweat who are willing to earn their daily bread by the sweat of their face. Correspondence addressed to Eld. I. F. Betts at Dinuba, Tulare county, Cal., Bro. M. Y. Snavely, or the Lyon Land Co. at Reedly, Cal., will receive prompt attention. I hope and pray that this new organization of Brethren in this new locality may succeed and their efforts be crowned with prosperity, both temporal and spiritual. Committee: Geo. Wine, C. s. Holsinger, D. Snyder. May 6.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 28, 1905 page 684 Vol. 44 No. 43 Oak Grove.—Notice to the Brethren or evangelist coming to visit California this fall or winter who can make it suit to stop with us and hold a series of meetings: Please correspond with the writer. Our church is in love and union; we think in good condition for a, successful meeting. We have a good meetinghouse. Our Sunday school and preaching services are well "attended. Our church has been divided, the Reedly church taken off, which leaves us only eighty some members. But more than sixty are within four miles of the church. With these favorable conditions we hope for a good meeting. The earlier we can have our meeting, the better. By order of committee.—C. S. Holsinger, Laton, Cal., Oct. 17.