Raisin City Church (1909-72)
The Gospel Messenger April 11, 1908 page 240 Vol. No. 15 Raisin City.- The members located here met Saturday, March 28, for the purpose of organizing a church. Services opened at 10 A. M., with Bro. Holsinger, of Laton, Cal., presiding. Thirty-five letters were read and accepted. After reading of letters an election for elder followed, which resulted in Bro. Harvey Elkenberry being chosen to serve one year. The meeting passed off very pleasantly. A number from adjoining churches were present and aided in the work. Bro. D. R. Holsinger, of Laton, and Bro. I. F. Betts, of Reedley, remained over Sunday, and gave us two good sermons. We expect to organize a Christian Workers’ meeting soon. – Ida Flickinger, Raisin City, Cal., April 2. |