Pomona Church (1907-)
The Gospel Messenger March 30, 1907 page 204 Vol. 46 No. 13 Lordsburg church met in regular council March 11, Eld. Simon E. Yundt presiding. Several letters of membership were read, among them that of Eld. J. A. Weaver and wife, who have decided to locate among us permanently. Several committees reported. A petition was passed to the effect that the Pomona members be organized into a new congregation March 17, Elders E. Forney and J. H. Weaver to officiate. Brethren D. A. Norcross and Edmund Forney were elected delegates to the district meeting and Edmund Forney to Annual Meeting. Two queries are sent to district meeting. – Grace Hileman Miller, Lordsburg, Cal., March 12.
The Gospel Messenger March 30, 1907 page 204 Vol. 46 No. 13 Lordsburg. – In accordance with the decision of the recent quarterly council of Lordsburg congregation, the Pomona members were organized into the “First Brethren Church of Pomona.” March 17, Elders E. Forney and J. A. Weaver officiating. Bro. E. R. Yundt was elected clerk; Moses Brubaker, E. R. Yundt and J. E. Harman trustees. For elder Simon E Yundt was elected. – Grace Hileman Miller, Lordsburg, Cal., March 18. |