Pasadena Church (1905-)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 18, 1905 page 268 Vo. 44 No. 17 Pasadena. – April 16 was a memorable day for the Brethren of Pasadena, it being the day of the dedication of their new church. Bro. J. Z. Gilbert, of Los Angeles, preached a very interesting dedication sermon to a full house. Friday previous to the dedication, assisted by elders from the adjoining districts, the following organization was effected: Elder William Trostle, of this district, as overseer. Bro. C. W. Smith was chosen as deacon. A Sunday school was also organized, with Bro. C. W. Smith superintendent and Bro. Walter Jones assistant. The work continues by a series of meetings, conducted by Bro. Trostle. The writer was chosen as church correspondent. – Fanny E. Light, 742 Hull St., Pasadena, Cal., April 18. |