Merced Church

(1894-1898 )


The Gospel Messenger May 29, 1894 page 349 Vol. 32 No. 22

A New Church Organization in California.

  The brethren and sisters, living at or near Merced, Cal., a point on the Southern Pacific R. R., 350 miles north of us, desiring to be organized into a working body, by their request Eld. P. S. Myers of Los Angeles, and I went to Merced and met, with the members May 5, at the house of Eld. J. S. Brubaker.  There were seventeen members present, and a report of thirteen others that would be within the bounds of the District, making a total of thirty members.  On receiving the letters of membership, we found there was one elder and two minister in the second degree present, and one deacon.  Other necessary officers were chosen, and thus the organization was completed.  We have never attended an organization where there seemed to be such feeling of true devotion and brotherly affection.  All seemed to deeply feel the weighty responsibilities resting upon them, and all heartily agreed to labor in practicing and carrying out the principles of the Gospel, in harmony with the other of the General Brotherhood.  This new plant, which, we have reason to believe, is of the Father’s planting, started out with excellent prospects for the future, and the outlook is favorable for a large community of our people in that wide and extensive valley.  We were agreeably surprised to find such a favorable extent of country, suited for grain and fruit farming, with an abundance of water. The best people of the town and adjoining country are very favorable disposed toward our Brethren, and are doing all they can to encourage their settling there. May the blessing of god attend this new organization, a may every brother and sister of our beloved Fraternity remember those pioneers of like precious faith in their prayers, that they may be strong and the faith, and Zion’s borders be enlarged!    J. S. Flory


Note: most of the members moved away and those that did not became part of the Dos Palos church.