Live Oak Church (1911-)
The Gospel Messenger March 16, 1912 page 172 Vol. 61 No. 11 Live Oak.—Feb. 11, 1911, the first brother at this place, where a new colony is location. A week later several other members came. As the Brethren were entirely unknown, we spent some time in getting acquainted with the people here by attending their services, until the opportunity came for us to rent a nicely-furnished hall, where we held our first Sunday-school and preaching services on the afternoon of April, 1911. Prior to this the Brethren had been invited to preach in the United Brethren church occasionally. Our services increased from the first, till the attendance reached almost the 100 mark. June 12 the members were organized unto a working body, consisting of fourteen members II was not long until we began to see the need of a church building, and solicitors were appointed to collect funds for that purpose. The necessary money was soon raised and a building 28 x 40. well furnished, and wired for electric lights, was put up. Our first service in the new house was held Feb 11, just one year from the date that the first brother located here. Our churchhouse will be dedicated March 24. We now have thirty-six members, with four deacons and eight ministers. Three of them are elders. Two outside appointments have been established, and others are in contemplation. Brethren, remember the work and workers at this place, that the influence may be such that souls may be gathered in.—W. R, Brubaker. Live Oak, Cal., March 5. |