Lindsay Church (1912-)
The Gospel Messenger April 20, 1912 page 251 Vol. 61 No. 16 Lindsay. – The work is prospering at this place, March 17 Elders J. J. Brower and D. L. Forney, of the Reedley church assisted us in organizing our church into a working body. Twenty-four letters were presented. Others are here who will hand in their letters later. We decided to call this the Lindsay congregation. Eld. I. S. Brubaker was chosen housekeeper for one year; Bro. H. M. Stutzman, clerk; Bro. Alpheus Brubaker, treasurer; Sister Ada Brubaker, chorister; Sister Laura Finch, assistant; the writer, correspondent. March 30 we met in our first council. A committee was chosen to find a suitable location for a churchhouse. At the present time we are using the Advent church in town, which is very acceptable, but too small to accommodate us for any length of time. We will be glad to have others, who feel to do so, locate with us, and help the cause along. – Sadie Finch, Lindsay, Cal., April, 4.