La Verne Church (Lordsburg) (1890-)
Lordsburg church 1903
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 25, 1890 page 725 Vol. 28 No. 46 Echoes from the Highway. Nov. 1 we met with quits a number of members at the school-house at Lordsburg and, according to the usual custom, effected a new organization, to be called the Lordsburg church district. The boundary embraces a email portion of the Pomona Valley, in Los Angeles County, and nil of the Counties of San Bernardino and Santiago. There being about forty members within the district, including two ministers and several deacons, permanently located, it is to be hoped they will prosper Bud be the means of enlarging the borders of Zion. Eld. John Melzger and Eld. P. S. Myers are residing for the winter within the bounds of the district. Eld. Melzger was chosen as the elder, to take the oversight of the church, while he remains with them. According to previous arrangements, on Sunday we came from Lordsburg to Glendora, where in company with Bro. Magie, of Los Angeles, we contemplated holding a meeting. There was a good turn-out and arrangements were put on foot to try to have regular meetings at that point. There are quite a number of members now living in that town. Yesterday, Nov. 9, the dedicatory services of the Brethren's new meeting-house at Tropico took place. There were more persons present than could be accommodated in the crowded house. Bro. P. S. Myers did the preaching. Bro. Melzger also took part in the services. The house is well finished, plain, but neat in every particular. This house is about six miles north of the City of Los Angeles and in a thickly-settled community. It is so situated that the members, living in Los Angeles, Pasadena, Tuhunga, and the surrounding community, can go there readily to worship. Thus the work moves along, so that there is every prospect of establishing a large community of the Brethren on this coast at no distant day. J. S. Flory. Tuhunga, Cal.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 25, 1890 page 726 Vol. 28 No. 46 From los Angeles County, Cal. A LITTLE band of brethren and sisters met at Lordsburg Nov. 1, in church council. It was the first meeting ever held here. We had a very enjoyable meeting. Eld. J. S. Flory, P. S. Myers and John Metzger were present There was a request for an organization, which was granted. The number of members at present is, twenty-sis. This church will be known as Lordsburg church, Cal. One minister, Bro. T. J. Nair, is in the second degree, while Bro. Bollinger is in the first degree of the ministry. Bro. Hardman and Bro. Zug are their deacons. Lordsburg is located on the Santa Fe Railway. If any of the Brethren want to come to the land of fruit and flowers, they are invited to stop off and share the hospitality of the good people here. I have preached here twice a month, the first and third Sunday, and every Sunday night. There are good openings here for the Brethren, as all can find good homes, both temporally and spiritually. But let all come and be their own judges. John Metzger. Nov. 4. |