Kerman Church (1910-19)
The Gospel Messenger May 14, 1910 page 316 Kerman. – Bro. Andrew Hutchison recently closed an interesting series of meetings here, in the big tent. The attendance was fair for a new colony and the interest good. As the doctrine the Brethren is new in this part of California it creates considerable inquiry and comment. Bro. Hutchison’s preaching gives no uncertain sound an done hearing him would not suppose that he is over seventy-five years old. His voice is clear and ringing, so that every one can hear distinctly. His knowledge of the Scriptures is simply marvelous. April 24 we organized the Kerman church, with thirty-three members present. Including those who have purchased land here, and will move during the fall and winter, we will have a membership of more than sixty. The country is fully up to what we expected and our colonists seem to be well satisfied. New homes are being built up in every direction. There is room and labor for all who wish to labor with us. Bro. Harvey Eikenberry, of Raisin Cal., assisted in the organization of our church, and was chosen as our elder until we get one to locate here. - J. J. W. Brooks, Kerman, Cal., April 28.