Imperial Valley (1911 - 21)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 14, 1911 page 28 Imperial Valley. – Our church met at this place Dec. 30 at 10 A. M., with a good representation of our scattered membership. Much bushiness was disposed of in a Christian spirit. The Brethren of the East Side, know as the Alamo District, called for a separate organization, which was granted. They have a commodious house of worship there, almost competed. Their organization will probably be effected in the near future. The church on this side, near El Centro, Elected new officers for the ensuing year, as follows; Bro. W. M. Platt, elder in charge; Bro. E. S. Strickler, clerk; Bro. L. M. Van Horn, Trustee; Bro. John Woodard, Messenger agent; the writer, church correspondent. A board of five trustees was also elected. Sunday-school officers were elected for six months, with Bro. Arthur Hoffman as superintendent. The work is progressing here, and several new members have located with us since our last report. – Emma E. Platt, El Centro. Cal., Jan. 4.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 28, 1911 page 61 Imperial Valley Church, Cal. Saturday, Jan. 14, marks the dawn of a new era for the Brethren who reside near Holtville, in the Alamo district, when , in response to their call for a separate organization , they were duly organized and placed in working ord. The writer, assisted by Brethren L. M. Van Horn and E. S. Strickler, representing the mother church of the Valley, serviced as a committee to assist in the organization, and to arrange satisfactory boundary line between the two congregations. In order to save complications regarding the holding of their valuable property, it was decided that the new organization retain the old name of the Imperial Valley church of the Brethren. The new church begins her work in a commodious building, almost completed, with thirty charter members, among which number there are two ministers and two deacons. Just preceding the organization we repaired to the water side, where one precious soul was buried with Christ in baptism. The following church officers were elected; Elder in charge, C. E. Gillett; clerk, W. F. Gillett; treasurer, Robt. McCall; Messenger agent, Maggie Statler; church correspondent, Minnie Gillett; chorister, Lottie McCall. A board of five trustees was also chosen. Regular services, consisting of Sunday-school, Christian Workers’ Meeting, and a midweek Bible lesson, are now in progress, beside the regular preaching services each Lord’s Day. W. M. Platt. El Centro, Cal., Jan. 16
The Gospel Messenger March 11, 1911 page 155 El Centro Church, Cal. Not long since it was reported that the new organization at Holtville, Cal., would assume the old name of “Imperial Valle” church, thus leaving the mother church at El Centro to choose a new name. At our called council, Feb. 18, a unanimous vote was cast in favor of the name “El Centro” church. this specifies our location also, El Centro being the county-seat of Imperial County. Bro. W. M. Platt was chosen delegate to District Meeting; Sister Nellie Huff, alternate. Arrangements are made for a series of meetings, to be held as soon as an evangelist can be secured, after which we expect to hold our spring love feast. The exact date will be announced later. Sunday, Feb. 19, Bro. Cline, our District Sunday-school Secretary, was with us conducting both the morning and evening exercises. He gave us valuable thoughts and suggestions along Sunday-school lines and Christian Endeavor work; also delivering an address on the subject. “Going on to Perfection.” We would greatly appreciate more calls from ministering brethren who are visiting California from the East and other parts. We feel that the Lord is blessing the efforts put forth in this great valley, where so much still remains to be done. May we give him all the praise! El Centro, Cal. Emma E. Platt |