Humboldt Church (1887-?)
Brethren at Work Jan. 6, 1880 page 7 Vol. V No. 1 Eureka, California. I deem it may duty to write to you of the progress of the Brethren in this part of California. Owing to diverse influences that I experienced I deemed it my duty to go to work in my Master’s cause. The fourth Sunday in July Last I delivered a lecture and continued up to the 26th of October, when Eld. Jonathan Myers arrived, by my request. When he delivered his first sermon great interest manifests. He preached nine discourses and baptized eleven people. Three of my own family were among the number, which constituted a union of love to God in our home. Brother Myers organized us into a body. There were fourteen members. Our organization consisted of three deacons and two ministers. We had a Lovefeast at my house, and the love of God was shed abroad in the hearts of all which gave us great strength. Brother and sister Myers left here the 27th of Nov. for their home in Oakland. J. S. Crowley.
The Primitive Christian Jan. 6, 1881 page 13 Vol. XIX No. 1 From the Humboldt Church, Cal. Dear Brethren: At our last communion meeting forty-three members communed, and one has been added by baptism since, and the prospect for the future is good. I believe all are earnest workers. Seven of our numbers have since moved out of the county. we have two ministers and two deacons. Have preaching every Sunday, and a good interest manifested. The Humboldt church was organized one year ago by Eld. Jonathan Myers. We had a visit from him last September in company of brother S. H. Bashor, who labored with us faithfully and with good results. Twenty-one were added to the church by baptism and one by letter. We are all praying to the prosperity of Zion her in Humboldt county and elsewhere. Please do not forget us in you missionary travels and in your prayers. Though we are many miles out of the usual course of travel, yet Jesus is with us here and blesses every good work for the upbuilding of his cause on earth. John Healy.
The Primitive Christian Jan. 6, 1881 page 13 Vol. XIX No. 1 From the Humboldt Church, Cal. Dear Brethren: At our last communion meeting forty-three members communed, and one has been added by baptism since, and the prospect for the future is good. I believe all are earnest workers. Seven of our numbers have since moved out of the county. we have two ministers and two deacons. Have preaching every Sunday, and a good interest manifested. The Humboldt church was organized one year ago by Eld. Jonathan Myers. We had a visit from him last September in company of brother S. H. Bashor, who labored with us faithfully and with good results. Twenty-one were added to the church by baptism and one by letter. We are all praying to the prosperity of Zion her in Humboldt county and elsewhere. Please do not forget us in you missionary travels and in your prayers. Though we are many miles out of the usual course of travel, yet Jesus is with us here and blesses every good work for the upbuilding of his cause on earth. John Healy.
The Primitive Christian Jan. 20, 1881 page 47 Vol. XIX No. 3 From Ferndale, Humboldt County, Cal. Dear Brethren: In see in the Primitive a notice of other older churches of our State, and of the happy settlement of all their old troubles which has long stood in the way of progress and love among them. Now, God be praised. They can go forward in their duty; but I see not a word about our little church out here in the mountains of Humboldt Co, Cal. Brother Bashor wrote for his paper and account of his travels in our country, in which he alluded to us and his labors with us, besides that, I have not seen a line any where to show that we have an existence in the Primitive, I have not seen any reference whatever to this little branch, therefore I drop you these lines tl let the reader of your excellent paper know that we have an organized existence and mean to be noticed, not I trust, on account of our troubles, but on account of our place and good works. Now that Brother Crowley has moved away, I do not know that you paper is taken by any member of Church, though the Preacher is taken by quite a number. I intend to see why the Primitive Christian is not read also, for my part I intend to subscribe for it, and get as many others as I can to do likewise. To all whom ti may concern I beg leave to assure you that we have an existence her in the mountains, and mean to labor for Christ. A little over a year ago Brother Myers of Oakland came up here – preached and gathered a little band. Three had been baptized somewhere in the East. Until that time, it was now known by very many of this community that there existed such a people as the “Dunkards.” These 14 were organized into a body and brethren Crowley and Kinay were called to the work of the ministry. Neither of them ever, having any experience in the work, though brother Crowley had been a members for some years. But this little band of brethren went to work with faith in God, and pretty soon their labors began to be crowned with success, notwithstanding their mistakes and blunders in their new work. Here you correspondent became acquainted for the first time with the doctrine and fell in love with it, was baptized and by the unanimous voice of the church was called to the ministry and ever since tried to acquaint myself with the work and do my duty. Brother Kerny and I now have all the preaching to do in this part of the country. It is 200 miles or more to the nearest brethren – you see the work we have before us. During our labors last spring and summer several became interested in the subject of religion, some who had long been disused with the practices of the popular churches, yet believing that the truth was somewhere and was anxious to embrace it wherever it was, we appointed a protracted meeting to commence on the 13th of last August and sent for our elder to come and preach for us. Brother Myers came bringing with him Brother Bashor just from the East, though they did not arrive until our first Sunday had past. Which as a little disappointment, but we had good attendance and good order. But Monday night brought our eastern talent sea sick and tired, just fresh from the rolling billows of the Pacific Ocean. But they went to work without delay – the people came out and gave good attention to the word, often saying after preaching, “Well, you have the truth and if you live it you will succeed.” So we intend “live it out” by the help of God. D. White.