Fresno: First Church (1912-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 23, 1912 page 748 Vol. 61 No. 47 Fresno.—Nov. 2, at 7: 30 P. M., our church met to organize our little band of workers at this place. Bro. H. Eikenberry, of Raisin City, and Bro. D. R. Holsinger. of Laton, Cal.. were our presiding elders. Church officers were elected as follows; Bro. A. D. Bowman, elder In charge; Sister Miriam Rhoads, secretary; Bro. Jas. Boyd, treasurer; Sister Eva Williams, church correspondent. We expect to elect the other officers soon. We had a very pleasant meeting. Bro. Eikenberry also preached a very interesting sermon on Sunday. Our series of meeting will begin Nov. 17, to be conducted by Bro. A. Hutchison, of Kansas, At the close of the meetings we expect to have a love feast, which will be our first one for Fresno. We have a good Sunday-school, and also good preaching services, every Sunday and Sunday night, and Bible reading every Thursday at 7: 30 P. M.—Eva C. Williams. 669 Rasinia, Fresno. Cal., Nov. 13.