Figarden Church (Figdale) (1918-30)
The Gospel Messenger March 23, 1918 page 181 Vol. 67 No. 12 Fresno. — The members numbering eighteen, living six miles north of this city, were organized Into n church We met in the home of Bro. .T. Showlter, with Brethren Stover, Rhodes, Sink and Follis (our neighboring elders), who came to assist in the work. The meeting was presided over by Bro. J. Harman Stover, of Fresno. Bro. S. Edgeeomb, of Kerman, Cal., was elected elder for the present time. The writer was chosen “Messenger” agent and correspondent. We have yet to decide on a name for our congregation. Services are held every Sunday evening in the pleasant little chapel at North Fresno, conducted by Bro. J. C. Groff. Our Sunday-school and morning service, thur far have been union work. The attendance is growing rapidly. The first Sunday, Nov. 3, we numbered eighteen, and now it has reached nearly the one hundred mark. We are much encouraged by the outlook. We meet every Wednesday evening at Bro. Showalter’s home for prayer service. – Sadie N. Groff. N. D. A. Box 284, Fresno, Cal., March 3