Empire Church (Stanislaus) (1905 - )
The Gospel Messenger June 10, 1905 p 364 Vol. 44 No. 23 Stanislaus. – May 23 by request Ceres members (thirteen in number), arrangements was made for meeting at the home (one and one-half miles south of Ceres) of Bro. Emanuel Rowland for the propose of organizing a church. When the hour or opening arrived it was found that ten of the thirteen members were present. Eld. Aaron Julius was made foreman of the meeting. There was a unanimous vote in favor of organizing. Letters were presented and read and all present pledged their loyalty and support to the general Brotherhood. Eld. Aaron Julius, of Dos Palos, was placed in charge of the flock, with Bro. Ellis West (minister in second degree) as his assistant. Two deacons were elected, and with their wives installed. The deacons are Bro. Emanuel Rowland and John M. Bomberger. Sister Elsie Cayuses is Gospel Messenger Correspondent. Love feast time set for Oct. 14. These brethren with their families are nicely located in this vicinity. These brethren have as yet no house of worship except their dwellings. A tent can be used as a tabernacle for religious services. The organization will be known as the Stanislaus congregation, taking the name of the county. - D. Snyder, 46 Fox Ave., San Jose, Cal., May 22.
The Gospel Messenger April 17, 1909 page 256 Vol. 48 No. 18 Stanislaus church met March 4, at the home of Bro. Deardorff, for the purpose of reorganizing and electing officers for the ensuing year: Bro. J. S. Deardorff was chosen elder; Bro. Gillstrap, clerk; Bro. Brumbaugh, treasurer, the write Messenger agent and church correspondent. Seven letters of membership were read, and the name of the church was changed to “Empire Church.”, - Phillip Detrick, R. D. 3, Box 161, Modesto, Cal., April 5
The San Francisco call. June 25, 1910, p 15 (San Francisco [Calif.]) DUNKARDS CHOOSE MODESTO DISTRICT
colony of Dunkards has settled at Empire, five miles east of Modesto, on the
Santa Fe railway. There are about 123 in the colony. They organized a Church of
the Brethren March 9. 1909. Ground was broken about a month ago for their house
of worship, which is to cost $4,000. It will be large enough to accommodate 500
members. Their Sunday school attendance averages .about l»0. Elder J. TV.
Deardorff Is in charge and Charles A. Gllstrap is clerk.