Butte Valley Church (Macdoel) (1906-48)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 29, 1906 page 824 Vol. 45 No. 52 A congregation has been organized in Butte Valley Cal with Bro. E. M. Wolfe, as elder in charge. A move is already on foot to build a meetinghouse forty by sixty feet. At present there are about eighteen resident members in the Valley, and the congregation is to be known as the Butte Valley church.
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 29, 1906 page 827 Vol. 45 No. 52 Butte Valley. – Three being about eighteen resident members in Butte Valley, Northern California, it was thought advisable to organize for more effedtual work. Dec. 9, Eld. D. C. Campbell presiding, Eld. E. M. Wolfe was chosen as our elder for one year, Bro. H. F. Maust elcrk, the wirter church correspondent and Messenger agent. The California Butte Valley Company having submitted a proposition to donate an acre of ground and furnish all the material for a good, substantial churchhouse 40x60 feet, a building committee was appointed, consisting of Brethren H. F. Maust, E. M. Wolfe and Jacob C. Funderburgh. Butte Valley church is the name chosen to designate this arm of the church militant, and Siskiyou county her bounds. A special council was appointed for Jan. 5, t5o complete the work and business of the church. – Jacob C. Funderburgh, Mount Hebron, Cal., Dec. 10. |