Turnmore Church (1897-1913?)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 25, 1897 page 828 Vol. 25 Turnmore.—Our love feast, Dec 4, was a pleasant one. We had excellent preaching, It was the first love feast ever held here. Bro. Henry Brubaker officiated. An election for a minister resulted in the choice of Bro, D. G. Berkman to the ministry, and Bro. T. O. McCarty to the office of deacon. Both were duly installed. Seventeen, in all communed.-.J. W. Gephart, Arkadelphia, Ark., Dec,6,
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 25, 1897 page 828 Vol. 25 Curtis.-I have just made a trip to Clark County. At Curtis Bro. J, W. Gephart is minister. During the past year he has baptized ten. With these, himself and wife and five others living at Texarkana, seventeen in all, we held a feast near Curtis, Dec. 4 The next day we organized These members, electing Bro. D. G. Berkman to the ministry, and Bio. McCarty, deacon. We had a glorious meeting.— Henry Brubaker, Knoxville, Ark., Dec. 6.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 10, 1898 page 572 Vol. 36 No.36 Notes from the Arkansas Mission Field. Eld J. H. Neher and myself were appointed by the elders of Southern Missouri and Arkansas to visit several local churches in Missouri and Arkansas, for the purpose of ordaining elders. Aug. S we started, and next day met in New Madrid County, Mo, at the Farrenburg church. Aug. 10 we met in council with said church. By the unanimous consent of the church we ordained Bro. Moses Cruea to the eldership. Aug. II we went to Mississippi County, Mo,, to the East Prairie church. Here Bro. Ira P. Eby was ordained to the eldership and placed in charge of the little flock. On the evening of Aug, 11 we boarded the train for Weiner, Ark. Here we were taken to the Long Creek church, near Credit, Ark., where Bro, B. E. Kesler resides. Here Bro. Kesler was ordained to the eldership and placed in charge of the work. On the evening of the 16th we boarded the train and went about eighty-four miles south of Little Rock, to Curtis, Ark. Aug. 18 we met with the Turnmore church in council. Here Bro. D. G. Burkman was advanced to the second degree of the ministry. Bro. ]. W. Gephart, of Arkadelphia, ten miles from Curtis, was ordained to the eldership. We hope and pray that all those dear brethren will honor and magnify the office and charges they have accepted. All the above churches are situated in the James R. Gish mission field, over which I have had charge since Bro. Gish's decease. A great burden has been lifted from my shoulders since the ordaining of these brethren. May they take the same interest in the Lord's work as did Bro. Gish. We did very little preaching on this trip, yet it was one of importance. At the last place visited Bro. Neher left on Friday morning. I remained till over Sunday, The meeting was more than usually full of interest. Several are near the kingdom and I hope I can return in the near future. Henry Brubaker. Knoxville, Ark, Aug. 26.