Mount Hope Church (1902 - 1923)
The Gospel Messenger July 1902 page 428 Mount Hope. – June 14, Bro, Ira P. Eby went to Pennington, Ark., to fill the regular appointments for me at that place. June 17 I went to his assistance and we continued the meetings until June 20. Good attention and interest were manifested. We held a council with the members there June 18. At this council the voice of the members was taken and all expressed themselves as being favorable to being organized into a church body, which was done. They number fourteen in all and will be known as Mount Hope congregation, Jackson Co., Ark. The advisability of erecting a churchhouse was considered, but nothing definite was decided upon. We need a house at that place very much. The schoolhouse had been closed against us by directors who belong to another church. We held our meeting in an arbor. – B. E. Kessler, Gainesville, Ark., June 26.
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 31, 1903 page 79 Vol. 43 No. 5 History of Mt. Hope Church, Jackson County, Arkansas. Sometime in the summer of 1898, by request, the writer held some meetings at Pennington, Jackson Co., Ark. These were followed by regular services during the year 1899. Nov. 7 to 11, 1899, a debate was held at this place between the writer and a Campbellite minister. Regular meetings were kept up monthly, or at intervals until July 7-9, 1900, when three sermons were preached by the writer, and three more Sept. 15-17, followed two more Oct. 1-10, and seven or eight Bro. Ira P. Eby, at which time Bro. Frank Gochenour was restored to fellowship and Bro. Wm. Combs was baptized. Nov, 7-9 one more sermon was preached, and one Dec. 22-24. Nothing more was done until May 2-5, 1901, when four more sermons were preached, and five more June 7-10, and six more July 9-15, at which time Sister Mattie Gochenour was restored to fellowship and Sister Mollie and Brother Melvin Gochenour were baptized. Aug. 13-27 four more sermons, followed by Bro. Eby again in a series of meetings. At this meeting four, brethren Robert Gochenour, Willie Combs, David and Johnny Swihart, were baptized; and Aug. 20 three, - Bro. Willis and Sister Mary Oberts, and Sister Ella Combs, - were baptized. And on the same day a council and feast were held, the first meeting of the kind by the Brethren in Jackson county. Aug. 21, one more brother, Artie Evans, was baptized and the next day Sister Mollie Oberts was baptized. Sept. 27-30 three more sermons were preached and Bro. Cyrus Gochenour was received by letter, and Nov. 1-11 one more sermon followed by a short series of meetings by Bro. J. H. Neher, when Nora E. Kesler, daughter of the writer, was baptized. Jan. 2-5 1902, three more sermons and March 1-4 three more sermons, and April 11-14, three more, and June 10-15 two more sermons, follow by three more by Bro. Eby. At this meeting the members were counseled and after promising to work in harmony with the General Brotherhood were organized into a body, to be known as the Mt. Hope congregation. Brethren Frank Gochenour and Wm. Combs were elected to the office of deacon and the writer chosen to take the oversight of the church. Since then regular meetings have been held. One minister, Bro. Frank Gochenour, was elected and a churchhouse is in process of erection. B. E. Kesler. Ferrenburg, Mo., Jan. 22.