Hartford Church (1910)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 10, 1910 page 590 Vol. 49 No. 37From Hartford, Ark. July 20 Bro. V. M. Price of Alpena Pass, Ark., arrived here to hold a series of meetings for us. We had already prepared an arbor the week before. The next evening we commence our meetings with a fair crowd. Bro. Price preaches splendid sermons for a week and a half. The truth was plainly presented. He went over to Borman on Thursday, Aug. 4 and made arrangements to preach a few sermons at that point. We had glorious meetings. One was baptized on Sunday. Aug. 4. We also meetings for a few weeks at the New Center Point schoolhouse. As a result of these meetings, four more came out on the Lord’s side and were baptized. An organization was next effected. Bro. W. S. H. Tolleson was elected to the ministry, and Sister Amanda Tolleson was elected secretary. Brother and Sister Tolleson were duly installed. Brethren C. W. Kompf and J. J. Williamson were chosen deacons. Bro. Williamson was duly installed. But Sister Kompf not being present, the installation of Bro. Kompf was deferred. Bro. Price was chosen as our elder. Bro. William Irons was chosen delegate to District Meeting. On Sunday, Aug. 21, we organized a Sunday school, with W. S. H. Tolleson, superintendent. We have prayer meeting each Thursday night in one of our homes. W. S. H. Tolleson, Hartford, Ark., Aug. 22. |