Dryden Church
Dryden was a mission point of the Long Creek congregation. After Bro. B. E. Kesler move to Dryden.
The Gospel Messenger March 27, 1897 page 199 Vol. 35 No. 13 Bro. B. E. Kesler, of Litchfield, Ill, has been located in the Arkansas mission field, at Dryden, He writes that there is a large field open here for work.
The Gospel Messenger April 16, 1898 page 248 Vol. 36 No. Bro. B. E. Kesler, who has change his location from Dryden to Credit, Ark., writes us that his field of labor is enlarging, and that he will not likely he able to give proper attention to all the points demanding the preaching of the Word. He hopes to devote more time to the work in the future, than he has been giving to it for the last few months. At present the rainy season is against aggressive efforts, but in the course of a few weeks the conditions will be more favorable. |