Cypress Glade Church ( 1902 - 1908?)
The Gospel Messenger May 31, 1902 page 348 Cypress Glade. – Bro. B. E. Kesler of Gainesville, Ark., and Bro. Ira P, Eby of Poplar Bluff, Mo., came this place May 7, and remained until May 16, preaching each evening in our schoolhouse. Attendance was good, and much good was accomplished. On Sunday five were baptized while others, we feel could truthfully say. “Almost thou persuades me to be a Christian.” On Tuesday we met in our first council and organized a church, with Bro. Kesler as our elder. We number twenty-one members, residing in this (Craighead) and Green counties. Bro. John Swihart is our only deacon as yet. Bro. Chatman Tolley was elected treasurer, Bro. Jesse Mark, missionary solicitor, and myself as clerk, also to act as agent for Messenger. A committee was appointed to arrange for the erection of a church house. We would gladly welcome good, energetic members among us, to help carry on the work at this place. – Martha Swihart, Hancock, Ark., May 21.