Carlisle Church (Prairie Longue) (1894-1927?)
The Gospel Messenger May 8, 1894 page 300 Vol. 32 No. 19 Center Dill, Ark:—We are here in this part of the goodly land. Bro. J as. II. Gish and wife are here, holding a few days' meetings. We had two applicants for baptism at the first meeting. From here they go to Austin, after which they go to Carlisle, in Lonoke County, to help organize a church. Come over and help us. — Jas. H. Larkins, April 26.
The Gospel Messenger July31, 1894 page 478 Vol. 32 No. 30 From the Highways and Hedges. Friday, June 1, leaving the place of Annual Meeting at 2 A. M , we went to Harper's Ferry, thence up the Shenandoah Valley to Staunton, Va., where we were met by friends, and conveyed to the home of A. H. Kindig, a brother of my wife. In this neighborhood reside many of her friends and relatives, and here she spent her girlhood days. While we have visited our friends at different times, this was one of the most pleasant visits we ever made to the Valley. In addition to our calls amongst friends, we had a number of soul-cheering and soul-refreshing meetings, which I trust were profitable to us all. At about the close of these meetings we had the pleasure of a visit from Bro. Jacob D. Trostle, of Kansas. He gave us two good, cheering Sermons in his usual, earnest way, which made us feel like pressing on to the mark. But notwithstanding our pleasant stay of about twenty days among loved ones, the farewell came, with its sorrow of parting, knowing that it was our last meeting on earth. But that sorrow was modified by the hope of meeting beyond the river, where we hope to part no more. On the evening of June 19 we were taken to Staunton and were soon on our way down the Valley. We stopped off at Harrisonburgh, where the Annual Meeting was held five years ago. Here we stayed with a niece and nephew. On the morning of June 20 we left for home via Harper's Ferry, over the main line of the B. and O. to St. Louis. June 21 I left over the Iron Mountain R. R., for Little Bock. We staid over night with brother and sister Bookmaster, and held an evening meeting at their house. While the congregation was small, owing to the short notice, the people were very attentive. On Saturday, June 23, we reached our home. We thank the Lord for his protecting care over ns on our journey. July 3 the thermometer for several days was up to 100 and over in the shade. The same day self and wife started by private conveyance to Loanoke County, to the vicinity of Carlisle. July 4 we met to celebrate the day by the worship of God, After preaching, the vote of the members was taken with regard to an organization at that place. Being unanimously in favor, we then proceeded to organize, with two ministers in the second degree and one deacon. There is a prospect of another deacon settling there coon, and, perhaps ethers They start with about twelve or fourteen members, some of whom live at some distance. They name the little band the "Prairie Leong" church. It is about four miles south of Carlisle, Ark. May the Lord bless and nourish the little band, that it may become a mighty host I We were out about seven days and held five meetings. One was baptized. Monday, June 9, we reached home. The dry weather has been followed by a fine rain which makes everything more pleasant. We thank the Lord for all his mercies. Jas. fi Gish. Stuttgart, Ark. |