Austin Church (1892-1935)
The Gospel Messenger May 14, 1895 page 318 Vol. 33 No. 20 From the Highways and Hedges Having sold out our property at Stuttgart, Ark wife left April 22 for Roanoke, III, to visit a sister, while I started on the 23rd to visit the scattered members and little churches in Eastern Arkansas. 1 went via Little Rook to Austin, Lonoke Co., and arranged for meeting on the evening of the 25th, but owing to the fall of a splendid rain we had no meeting that evening. Friday, the 26th, Bro. D. L. Forney came on from Louisiana, where ho had gone to visit some members, and preached the same evening. Saturday, the 27th, we met in council with the members to further organize the church at this place. We held an election for one minister. The lot fell on Bro. Joseph Demuth. Then lots were cast for one deacon and Bro. John D. Norris was chosen. Although blind naturally, he seems to see well with the eyes of the inner man, being a man of good judgment and a willing worker. These brethren desire the prayers of the faithful in their behalf. We think this organization and election will make a bright future for the church at this place. We need a few more good working families of members to settle here, and the work will move; and why not? Here is the best opening for brethren with small capital to get homes, that I know of anywhere. No sand storms, no hot winds, plenty of wood, water and building stone, near a good railroad, land about second grade in quality, very cheap. Come ! Our next stop will be at Carlisle. Jas R. Gish Austin, Ark., April 29. |