Glendale Church (1892-)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 14, 1893 page 108 Vol. 31 No. Tempo, Ariz.—I left my home at Mt. Carroll, Ill., Dec. 19, and arrived here in time for the lovefeast at Glendale. I met Bro. P. Forney at a school-house, where he was holding a week's meetings. The next week we went to Glendale, about twenty-five miles north west, where the first meeting was held Dec. 31, at which time we organized. It was one of the best feasts we ever attended. After the feast Bro. Forney held a week's meetings. This was the first feast ever held in the valley and was quite largely attended. I am now about six miles south-east of Tempe, where there are nine members. Bro. E. Rowland and family, of Indiana, are here, and are getting along very well. We would like to have more come in and settle, while the land is cheap. There is a good chance for poor brethren here, and a very pleasant climate. We have one minister and meetings every two weeks. We would like to have the General Mission Board remember us here, and help us to organize a church.— John Wittmer, Tempe, Ariz., Jan. 29, |